Saturday, November 17, 2012

trout's view matters

this is the bottom view of a parachute on an (s) elephant umbrella. Hopefully Mr. Trout notices the black underbody, half spent wings, fat juicy tail, and hackle feet touching the surface.
the tippet should be above the water i hope. and the body has been treated this time w/cdc oil. i've had trouble with these sinking, and have been thinking of incorporating foam.


  1. The fly looks pretty good. I have trouble tying fresh water on small #16 hooks because they are so small. I can see them but i grew up tying on 2's and bigger for bass. Nice job slay hard with it.

    1. thanks savage.. I'm kinda the opposite, most striper flies are difficult for me, but for some reason, 18& smaller seem more comfortable. oh well, practice practice. hopefully by spring striper season I'll be better prepared.

  2. yeah, i don't have the patience to make that, but i kinda wish i did.

    does it actually hold up, though, to use?

    1. the fly holds up great, but does start to sink in the rip/riffles. i started treating them in the vise with some Petijean CDC oil and it does help. i havent tried the foam bodied versions, however these are still experimental on the bench and need something else.
      -thanks for stopping by
