Sunday, December 9, 2012

Sexy Mayfly Photo Shoot


  1. Very Interesting!! Have you used this pattern before and was it successful?

  2. I have never used the pattern before, in fact, with the amount of small vinyl tubing I used, it would sink pretty quick. I was inspired by planetrout's recent post where he did a "broken back cream tiger midge" it looked like a pretty neat idea, so I more or less challenged myself to trouble tying a n emerger somewhat along the same lines. Check out his patterns, probably much more successful for December, at least here in the Northeast. Thanks for checking it out Kevin--- don't give up in the cold weather also, between me and by buds, we landed about 40 trout Saturday and Sunday!


  3. Looks great! How long did it take to tie up? I bet it would get hit hard by some trout.

    1. Maybe 15-20 min... I've been hittin the larva lace hard lately, I've been having insomnia lately, so its been putting me at the vise late. LoL. I think I made that fly at like 2am. I'll use it soon enough, but right now most trout I've landed are like 8" or smaller, so those Sz 14 are a little big. Thanks for stopping by! -N8
