Monday, March 4, 2013

Class 1 skunking

Went out Sunday and got a Class 1 whipping.  no fish. no bites. nada.    I was able to have a great hike, practice, and hang with a friend who was trying out his fly rod for the first time. 
the lucky guy got an EagleClaw Glass 5/6 combo with an older Orvis reel, line etc, for $40 at a yardsale.  Friggin deal and a half.    Did I mention the outfit was brand new, with the plastic still on the reel seat?   frickin deal for him!   I think he got the swing of it, we used stoneflies and some flash-back copper ribbed beadheads in 14-16
Between the two of us, I think the trees got at least 6 flies.   bad day.

On a Lighter side..... I ordered a new rod today... should wet it this weekend, post to follow.

 my secret weapons... foam bodied stony elkhairs. (coastal deer)- its a bit finer than elk


  1. Man - orvis reel and stick for 40$? Great deal to start out with. I had to make due for my first outfit on a 60yr old unknown stick and busted saltrout reel made in the 40's. Not exactly what you'd call first class but it got me hooked. Keep him coming back with you. Eventually the fish will show up.

    1. I know he will be back out with me, if not trout... Spring stripers. Next week's Class 1 WTMA is a spot I never caught many fish, but with a closed season on many streams, I can't be too picky... Who knows, besides, it's near the nearest dealer that I'm picking up my new rod. Told my wife it's my 'Tax-Preparation fee" Seems fair to me.

  2. Great shots. I love that WTMA. Spent many a memorable day there while studying (ha!) at ECSU.

    1. Bingo! Yeah, its a great spot... southeast of Ecsu just a few miles. Saturday I plan on the Class 1 NE of Uconn on the dirt road just south of the old button mill. My mom has been bugging me for a pocketful of them.... If you're unfamiliar,,,, a few miles north of UConn 's streach of the Fenton, off athe dirt roadroad there was at one time many many years ago a mother of pearl button factory. The streamside cliffs and bottom shine whites and purples from the billions of factory scraps.. kinda neat. I'll hopefully pick up my new TFO (.5)wt 5 ft at JT's in the AM. Hopefully I won't spend much more $$ on hooks and dub

  3. Never knew about the buttons--very cool. I'm into stuff like that too. I found some old spoons from the 1800's at an old factory site on the Quinnipiac River last winter. I also stumbled upon a clay pipe bowl older than that two years ago on the Housatonic River. Gotta always keep your eyes peeled!

  4. I supposed that if you're going to get skunked, doing a Class 1 is best.

    1. haha yeah. hopefully this trend doesnt continue this weekend. If this next Class 1 in Northeast Ct doesn;t pan out, I'll be really tempted to get some searun browns or salters.... depending on the tide. I've got a few money holes that usually produce, and with searun brown season happening, anything can happen! Last year, my best was like 12" for a s.b. and the following day, same hole, same weather etc, my wifes father-in-law got spooled by a 2'+ monster!
      Many people complain about closed seasons, like they are a depressing burden... there must be a hundred year round streams in Ct. ya just gotta change strategies and try new spots.

      OPEN: Classs 1 TMA's & WTMA's, C&R streams, and all coastal streams below local designations. (private lands are always open too)

  5. Replies
    1. Got 5-6" of heavy wet stuff. So far. It's still snowing a little BUT.... supposed to hit 50° tomorrow!

  6. That's great temps for tomorrow but that snow melt is gonna crush your water temps!

  7. I went out today and got a nice skunking. It was nice to get out but I didn't see a sign of bigger fish except minnows.
