Its full moon again. Striped bass have been amazing this year. bigger than last year for sure. With last years world record coming out of the water 35 minutes from my house, and a 75 pounder being brought in a week and a half ago... Ct is heating up!!! squid are abundant from 4" to an amazing 12" i've had most luck on an 8" pattern, but the last 3 or 4 nights have brought out schools of baitfish, cinders, and grass eels, so I'll go with my favorite pattern to match all three. verrrrry simple, and just as effective. its a TMC 2546 sz 4, green tubing, and green flash. thats it! really! and it works. so easy to make, make them in sizes from 2.5" to 5" so you can match the baitfish/eels as they grow over the next month. mix in a little red inside the body to mix it up if you want. (as you tie off the head, fold the flash over the tubing to match the grass eels gills)
these worked last year, full moon tonight...... |
26 days ago, this 36" ate my 8" squid, maybe she'll be hungry tonight too? |
I have seen a lot of silver sides and mummichogs around in my area. No sand eels yet down here.